
Robbie's First Fishing Story...

One evening up at Hebgen Lake, we asked Robbie if he wanted to go fishing the next morning. He said "you mean when I grow up?" We just answered "yeah, but you can also go tomorrow morning." So, we woke him up really early and asked him if he were ready to go fishing. He threw the covers off and then drowsily lifted up his pant legs and pinching his legs checking for leg hair. He said "did I grow up, because I dont have hair on my legs?"

So his day began and he and Rob headed out on the canoe. They had two rods both in holders. After a little while Rob's rod had a bite. He tried to get Robbie to reel it in, but robbie declined and said "no dad, that's yours." So after a minute Rob had to reel in robbies line because it was stuck on seaweed. When he freed the lewer, he decided he better try a shinier "jakes" on the line to give Robbie a better chance at catching something. As he changed the lewer, Robbie said "Daddy, I dont want that one, I want that red rubber fish on mine." Rob was hesitant because it wasnt a lewer that had been working and the jakes had been doing a good job, but decided it was Robbie's day, and to put the red flat fish on his line.

After a minute Robbie got a bite. Rob told him to reel it in, and he did! He kept saying "I think it's stuck" because of the fighting fish, but Rob assured him it was fine and to keep reeling. So he did and he laughed his head off when the fish flopped around the boat! That was the first of 3 rainbows Robbie caught that morning all by himself with his red fish lewer! Rob was beaming when they got home!

Robbie with Rob's brown (at the top) and his two 19" and one 17" rainbow.
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Heidi said...

your familoy is adorable. I thought I'd let you know that I openly blog stalk you. I thought I'd say Hi, it's been forever. Have a good one.
Heidi(Peterson) Hasleton

Amy said...

Rob, this is Amy (Richards)Forsyth. I love seeing you with your kids up on the lake. Isn't it great to take them to that special place and create those memories that we all treasure from our childhoods? Your family is darling.